Book activities and visits

Our guides welcome you now to (re)discover the treasures of our territory.
Find here all the visits and activites that can be booked directly online!

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In french. Franck, a naturalist guide, will take you to the rocks in search of a multitude of animals. Between puddles and rocks, you will discover their amazing life between land and sea.  
7.00 €
Departing from La Turballe, a one-hour sea trip aboard the Chéri Bibi.
New in 2021!  Located on one of the highest points of La Turballe, the Trescalan bell tower offers you an exceptional night-time panorama.  While discovering the history of the church of Trescalan, climb the 110 steps to reach a viewpoint ...
Flat macrame bracelet, twisted macrame bracelet, Bigouden key ring... you will choose the shape and the colors to create the jewel that looks like you or the jewel to offer. Do you already know? Try making a snail, an octopus, snowmen or a ...
8.00 €
Three small paintings illustrate the sea in all its depth: a sailboat sails under the sun, crabs wander at the bottom and a multitude of colorful fish and jellyfish swim between the two... A creative workshop that allows you to leave with a nice ...
The world of fishing has its own codes, its own terms and its own way of working. Dive into this world by discovering the backstage of one of the most important French fishing harbours: the harbour of La Turballe. As you walk along the quays with ...
Put on your boots for an immersion in this marine plant world... Between two rocks, learn to recognize seaweed and why not add some to your plate! From their Latin names to their culinary specificities, seaweed will have no more secrets for you.
6.00 €
In french. Let yourself be charmed by the architecture of the villas in the town centre, built in the 19th century. Some are protected as "exceptional" and are among the 15 most beautiful villas in La Baule!