Nautical activities
Here in the destination ‘Bretagne Plein Sud, La Baule - Presqu'île de Guérande’ the 111 km of coastline provides scope for a whole variety of nautical activities. Why not take the opportunity to take some sailing lessons aboard a catamaran or an optimist under the watchful guidance of the staff of one of the many sailing schools belonging to ‘les écoles françaises de voile’. Or try your hand at surfing, windsailing, jet-ski or kitesurf. You could also obtain your boating licence or head out to the blue yonder for a spot of sea fishing…
Whether you fall into the category of beginners or more advanced, or are into the adrenaline rush of more ‘thrilling sports’ or just like to enjoy a lazy-relaxing outing: hoist the main sails and off we go!
Whether you fall into the category of beginners or more advanced, or are into the adrenaline rush of more ‘thrilling sports’ or just like to enjoy a lazy-relaxing outing: hoist the main sails and off we go!